Without noticing, this weekend past by so quickly. I was sitting in the car during the ride back from cherry picking thinking that tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday... Although I didn`t really take any pictures, I went to Night It Up, a night market held over the weekend per annum with lots and lots of food, on Friday and Saturday night. It`s usually a bit farther from where I live, and I wouldn`t have considered going this year if it hadn`t changed it`s a venue to a closer one with more parking space. I brought my little sister the first night considering I`ll be leaving soon, it`s only right if I try to spend a bit more time with her, no? It was crowded and exhausting lining up for food, but it was still a blast. Especially when I unexpectedly ran into so many people I haven't seen in a while. Cherry picking on the other hand, was not crowded at all, since it`s the end of cherry picking season, but it was oh SO hot. I absolutely love picking fruits though so I had sososososo much fun!!
I bought these suspenders a long time ago and have only worn them a handful of times. To match the occasion, I even wanted to wear a pair of cherry earrings but had accidentally left them in the car. Believe it or not, I was so hungry before we got there, but upon leaving, I could barely walk because I was SO full! The ratio of my rabid cherry eating was probably 1-3. I assume that on avg, every fourth cherry I picked, I ate it. I was ecstatic over the amount of cherries we picked, but from the picture above, I`m sure it`s obvious that my dad couldn't hide his excitement either... No biggie though because I'm pretty sure our family consumes a larger amount of fruits than any other food group. We seriously love eating fruits...Probably not so normal, but what the heck. Where's the excitement in normal? (Who am I kidding)
Due to the slow progress of my little summer project over these few days, I was so determined to work once I got home. After taking a shower and having a small snack, I`ve realized I`m way too tired to do anything but sleep.