Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Influx of Photos

Because a picture is really worth more than a thousand words. Take a peep into my short photo diary.

H&M cardigan, Joie silk pocket tank, DIY skirt

Sweets from my little sis in celebration of my birthday

The birds living on top of our front door that hatched on my birthday

My parents who are silly sometimes

Birthday dinner with my family

H&M top and skirt

Gap shirt, Marciano dress

These pictures are from last week--the few days surrounding my birthday.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Apartment hunting in the big apple.

The feeling of being so relaxed at home is so wonderful..especially after such a tiring week of apartment hunting in New York. Preparing to start school next month in NYC is definitely not an easy job. Preparing myself for this move is going to be quite strenous. Spending a week in the big apple with my cousin, looking for a place to live next year, has definitely helped me with this transition though (and getting a free piece of melting cake at Little Brown after a long rainy day of apt hunting didn't hurt). I'm so glad I was able to have this week to familiarize myself with the various parts of the city. I'm far from being a local but I'm glad I have some things down; more specifically, about 1/5 of the subway map maybe?

We spent a little less than a week there and every single day was spent looking at places! We slept late and woke up early (searching online for new listings every night and morning). The worst was that we had to take the subway and walk to each listing with the agents! It was hard for me to get used to that because it's such a different system compared to Toronto. After the first day though, I got completely used to it. If I caught on any slower, I would only be left in the dust in such a fast-paced city! Funny thing: my cousin and I both got week-ulimited metrocards, and the day after she lost hers (the second day of our trip), I lost mine too (we both had to buy new ones). We were left with no time to shop, but we did manage to eat at places we haven't eaten at before. The next time I go back, I'll be starting school! EEEEEK, super much to prepare....



Sunday, July 17, 2011

cherries, oh cherries

Without noticing, this weekend past by so quickly. I was sitting in the car during the ride back from cherry picking thinking that tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday... Although I didn`t really take any pictures, I went to Night It Up, a night market held over the weekend per annum with lots and lots of food, on Friday and Saturday night. It`s usually a bit farther from where I live, and I wouldn`t have considered going this year if it hadn`t changed it`s a venue to a closer one with more parking space. I brought my little sister the first night considering I`ll be leaving soon, it`s only right if I try to spend a bit more time with her, no? It was crowded and exhausting lining up for food, but it was still a blast. Especially when I unexpectedly ran into so many people I haven't seen in a while. Cherry picking on the other hand, was not crowded at all, since it`s the end of cherry picking season, but it was oh SO hot. I absolutely love picking fruits though so I had sososososo much fun!!

I bought these suspenders a long time ago and have only worn them a handful of times. To match the occasion, I even wanted to wear a pair of cherry earrings but had accidentally left them in the car. Believe it or not, I was so hungry before we got there, but upon leaving, I could barely walk because I was SO full! The ratio of my rabid cherry eating was probably 1-3. I assume that on avg, every fourth cherry I picked, I ate it. I was ecstatic over the amount of cherries we picked, but from the picture above, I`m sure it`s obvious that my dad couldn't hide his excitement either... No biggie though because I'm pretty sure our family consumes a larger amount of fruits than any other food group. We seriously love eating fruits...Probably not so normal, but what the heck. Where's the excitement in normal? (Who am I kidding)
Due to the slow progress of my little summer project over these few days, I was so determined to work once I got home. After taking a shower and having a small snack, I`ve realized I`m way too tired to do anything but sleep.



About Me

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A girl from Toronto studying fashion design in New York city.
